Questions You May Ask...1. Is there a minimum donation? We ask that your gift be $5 or more. 2. Is on-line giving safe? Yes. On-line giving uses the same network that is used for Direct Deposit and Electronic Bill Payment features you find at your place of employment or local bank.3. What method of payment can I use? You can use a checking, savings or credit card account. The technology that permits online transactions via debit cards also permits giving via credit cards and makes no distinction between the two. We strongly urge you NOT to put your gift on a credit card UNLESS you are able to pay it off each month because we do not want God's people going into debt.4. How often can I give on-line? As often as you like. You can set up a one-time donation or a recurring donation.5. If I don't write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight? All contributions will be clearly listed on your monthly checking, savings, and credit card statement.6. What if I change banks or accounts, or want to change or stop my contribution? You can change the amount of your gift or stop at any time by logging into your account and rescheduling or canceling your deduction.7. Is there any charge to me from my bank to give on-line? No. Electronic funds transfers carry no bank fees to you however, there is a nominal fee to FWC.
Generosity Encouraged2 Corinthians 9:7 - Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Jersey City First Wesleyan Church
201 Woodlawn Avenue, PO Box 15596Jersey City, NJ 07305-0596
Questions You May Ask...1. Is there a minimum donation? We ask that your gift be $5 or more. 2. Is on-line giving safe? Yes. On-line giving uses the same network that is used for Direct Deposit and Electronic Bill Payment features you find at your place of employment or local bank.3. What method of payment can I use? You can use a checking, savings or credit card account. The technology that permits online transactions via debit cards also permits giving via credit cards and makes no distinction between the two. We strongly urge you NOT to put your gift on a credit card UNLESS you are able to pay it off each month because we do not want God's people going into debt.4. How often can I give on-line? As often as you like. You can set up a one-time donation or a recurring donation.5. If I don't write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight? All contributions will be clearly listed on your monthly checking, savings, and credit card statement.6. What if I change banks or accounts, or want to change or stop my contribution? You can change the amount of your gift or stop at any time by logging into your account and rescheduling or canceling your deduction.7. Is there any charge to me from my bank to give on-line? No. Electronic funds transfers carry no bank fees to you however, there is a nominal fee to FWC.
Generosity Encouraged2 Corinthians 9:7 - Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.