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To Give Through Our Website
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We worship & fellowship together

Worship of God, through being received into His family by grace and mercy through Jesus Christ, is valued and celebrated. We recognize that the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus is open to all. We believe that the Holy Spirit brings transformation in the way we live, talk, and treat others.

We help people

We serve the community with food distribution, soup kitchen, counseling, prayer, witnessing, working together with Jersey City Together, a community organization of more than 30 congregations of faith and non- profits to address quality of life, housing, education, and justice issues in our community.

We work and serve together

The pandemic has affected us, however, we have a faithful group who have stepped out of their comfort zones to serve the community, lead and organize worship, pray daily online morning and at night, and make contact with the members.

We are a family through Christ

FWC consists of believers from various walks of life and nations, including the United States of course! We invite you to visit our worship services and attend our Bible studies. We are a congregation under the Wesleyan Church umbrella (, however, we believe the Kingdom of God is greater than any one denomination.
To Give Through Our Website